

Hello fellow word smiths!

We are currently accepting admissions for our new short story magazine Another World.

What We Like:
Fiction that is genre bending. Stories with a bit of a sense of humour. Stories that question the metaphysics of life. Stories with interesting protagonists. All of the above or just some of it, or stuff that you have that will surprise us. We like fiction that has good themes, that are inspiring/kooky/dark and overall interesting. Got something you think we’d enjoy? Send it through! We are currently paying $40 per accepted submission. To submit, send us an email at with your story/a bit about yourself/your writing background and if you’re accepted, whether or not you’d be happy to give us an interview about you/the story.

As this is an independent magazine, we do need a donation of $2 per set of submissions, this ensures we can afford to pay for accepted submissions to be published on our website.

We look forward to reading your writing!!

Make a donation.
